[nos-bbs] AGWPE in JNOS

Alan Sieg WB5RMG wb5rmg at somenet.net
Wed May 12 00:45:42 EDT 2010

Bill knows I've been trying to splice together enough pieces to
connect my linux based JNOS over the LAN to a XP-based AGWPE:8000
that already manages my KISS TNC for multiple Windows clients.
I don't want (can't afford) multiple radio/TNCs for the same freq.

Remserial can connect to the remote AGW port, but AGW:8000 is not
really a KISS port. It can provide raw frames, but needs a few commands
to set up the stream. I'm not a programmer (not even on TV), but it
seems fairly simple and straight-forward. George's 'developer.zip'
that comes with AGWPE describes the functions very well, and even has
some example code. I've stuck a copy on my DropBox if anyone would
care to have a look = http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1931686/Packet/develop.zip
(if anyone wants a free DropBox, here is a link (I get more free storage)
   https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTE5MzE2ODY5 )

Seems it could be quite worthwhile to have remote modems, back-hauled
over private LANs, or even internet. Perhaps there is a way to handle
the AGWPE client connection setup, as a JNOS 'attach AGW remotehost AX25'
and it would register the AX25 {MYCALL, BBS, and ALIAS} ....

Surely Bill and I aren't the only ones that think this might be fun.

  Thanks  /;^)
  #  ARRL ARES Asst Emergency Coordinator
  #  Huntsville - Madison County, Alabama
  #  http://hmcraces.org       146.940MHz
  #  wb5rmg(at)arrl(dot)net       @wb5rmg

> Has anybody ever thought about or taken a stab at adding AGWPE
> functionality (client  or server) to NOS.   It would have advantages
> since it allows remote TCP connection of the data data stream -- which
> is something we don't have now with the Linux AX25 utils.
> 73
> Bill - WA7NWP
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