[nos-bbs] JNOS 2.0 (copy) is now on GITHUB

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Mon Jun 7 12:43:58 EDT 2010

Hi all,

Just in case I get hit by a bus or something similar ...

I have put a copy of the latest JNOS 2.0 development on
the 'github.com' site. Keep in mind, this is only a copy
of my work, and will not get updated everytime a change
is made on my home development system (not yet anyways).

The direct URL is as follows :


I only have source code on there at this time, other stuff will
come at a much later date. Remember, this one is linux only !

There's a nice easy button to click - 'Download Software'.

NOTE - the latest development is still at langelaar.net

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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