[nos-bbs] Packet in the UK?

Mark Phillips g7ltt at g7ltt.com
Fri Jun 4 15:37:12 EDT 2010


They said you were dead!

How do I know you're not an imposter pretending to be Ian Wade? Prove 
it. What is the 3rd word on line 23, page 76 of your book? :)

Sorry, can't answer your question very well. I quit the UK 12 years ago. 
I think a few of the GB7IPx's are still around as is CIP.  TVG closed 
when I left and IPB followed soon after when Robin moved to New Zealand. 
I think Gareth still runs something over at the BBC.

Something must be working. I keep getting re-runs of messages from 
G8MNY. When I left he was still big into ATV. I guess he moved on?


On 06/04/2010 05:59 AM, Ian Wade G3NRW wrote:
> I'm catching up with what has happened to packet in the UK since I was
> last involved way back in 1999-2000, if anything. Are there any
> AX.25/TCP/IP networks/nodes/switches/BBSs still operational? Where can I
> find up-to-date information on networks, key players etc?

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