[nos-bbs] Potential Timer Issue in JNOS (3rd try- sorry)

George [ham] VerDuin k8rra at ameritech.net
Sun Aug 1 12:23:30 EDT 2010

Yup FiSH, it's the abnormal that catches trouble...

On 08/01/2010 12:11 AM, fish810 wrote:
> Skip, >>SNIP<<It's also the result when you decrement a 32 bit 
> unsigned integer set to zero.
What REALLY matters is how interrupts are handled.
In our case, OVERFLOW matters.
And I expect there are multiple ways jnos might react to overflow that 
can be applied successfully.

> Maiko, please let us know if there is some way we can assist in this 
> debug effort.
I hope Maiko you have hair left after considering DOS, Linux, Linux-64, 

> Regards,

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