[nos-bbs] Nice JNOS blog writeup

Bill V WA7NWP wa7nwp at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 11:32:41 EDT 2010

Hi Alan,

I was wondering when I started following your blog where I found the
JNOS posting.  It's a twisted interconnected world out there on the

Bringing this back to the NOS-BBS list, for anybody who hasn't tried
Twitter or Facebook - give it a go.   As with any web technology,
there's an art to it to keep it useful rather then a time wasting
spurious noise generator - but it can be done.

Bill - WA7NWP

> I know we have had brief email a time or two, and so I looked up
> your blogspot page, and saw a twitter reference, and thought I'd follow.
> So I pulls your twitter page, and I sees this familiar red cap and dust mask.
> Duh... I've been following you since sometime last year already. Go figure !
> I now connect the dots between the twitter feed and the nos-bbs list...
> All that's lacking now is a voice-print.
> Thanks  /;^)
>> This is nicely done.
>>   http://wb5rmg.wordpress.com/2009/11/28/jnos-15-years-later/

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