[nos-bbs] JNOS BBS Web Page Client

Bill V WA7NWP wa7nwp at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 16:15:29 EDT 2009

I finally got around to trying the JNOS APRS status page on Maiko's
site.   Wow - that's a rich set of web features that are already
working.  It shouldn't be difficult to tweak that so it's a generic
interface to the BBS..   (Sadly it's a good thing the company has
blocked outgoing SSH traffic.   Not only do I get more work done but
I'm also far more motivated to get the "JNOS in the car" Amateur Radio
link to home working...)

Bill - WA7NWP

PS.   Hmm.   I bet we can also make a web page client on the Convers
system.  The existing Java versions work but they won't do it stand
alone .. in the car.

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