[nos-bbs] Questions related to JNOS 2.0f

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Fri Oct 31 20:14:14 EDT 2008

One way to skin the cat Misko:
I'm going to "go out on a limb" here...

On Fri, 2008-10-31 at 21:02 +0100, Miroslav Skoric wrote:
> Hi Maiko and others,
> I managed to activate JNOS' POP and SMTP servers and I am capable to 
> handle personal email by using Windows/Linux email clients within the 
> LAN now.
Great - I presume you are POPing mail from your call mailbox under jnos.
What is your full address there?

Care to try a mail delivery experiment?  Try sending me mail with an
address like k8rra at from your win/lin mail reader.  Before
that, add a jnos route to my IP using as a gateway.  Jnos
will not find me in the encap table, I have a dynamic DSL service and
jnos is not Internet enabled, but I'm always connected by radio into the
MI-DRG subnet of AMPRnet.  *If* this works, the destination will be my
mail reader that POPs over WI-FI from jnos to the Eee PC I carry around.

> It makes me wonder what I should do to handle bulletins (that are stored 
> in just two JNOS areas, EU and WW), in order to send/read those bulls by 
> using email clients mentioned (Thunderbird, Outlook Express etc). Is it 
> needed to #define a NNTP server for that purpose or to do something 
> else? What is the best practice?
An alternative to NNTP for just a couple paths could be to define two
new accounts in your mail agent similar to the ones you use now for mail
directed for your call, one for EU and one for WW.  Typically you have
the option to specify the mail folder to deposit incoming mail
[bulletin] into, and it does not have to be "inbox" where other mail
accounts presently [probably] are depositing incoming mail.  It is also
appropriate to check the "do not delete" selector as well.

Bulletins have a distribution technique well handled by the "forwarding"
function.  I have not done it, but that seems to dictate the "to"
address of any bulletin you generate be the appropriate mailbox on your
own jnos after configuring the AX25 forwarding function to pass it on...

Best of hamming while you experiment, then will you consider adding
[documenting] your experience to the jnos wiki when you are done so
others may share in your experience and use your technique as a go-by?

> Regards,
> Misko YT7MPB

Now that could light some flames?

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k

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