[nos-bbs] PK232 stuff

Maiko Langelaar (ve4klm) maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Tue May 27 11:05:12 EDT 2008

Hi Bob,

> all the programs that really worked ... performed active pollling.

That's helpful to know. Thank you.

> Also, it seems like I recall seeing that AEA's 7.0 Pactor implementation
> isn't "binary pure" - a change fixed in the 7.1 firmware.  If I recall
> right, it's mentioned somewhere in the Airmail docs on using the PK-232
> with Airmail.

Actually it's mentioned on alot of winlink related sites. I just checked.

I'll have to dust off my 66 mhz 486, running DOS, with one of those older
eprom burner ISA cards from Needham, and burn myself some new eproms :)

What I'll do is upgrade the firmware, then try the 'HPOLL OFF' mode
again and see if it makes any difference. If not, then I guess I have
no choice but to go the polling route.

> 73 and good luck!

Thanks again for the info. Much appreciated.

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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