[nos-bbs] smtp problem

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Tue May 20 00:31:43 EDT 2008


On Mon, 19 May 2008, Bob Fahnestock wrote:

> What are the common causes of smtp not distributing
> incoming mail into the various areas.

1st)   The DOMAIN.TXT file does not contain your own nodes identity.  If 
       it can't resolve itself, it can't deliver email to itself.  So make sure it 
       can find itself:

          domain look your_host.ampr.org

       This should return the line containing your hostname with your IP 

2nd)   An improperly configured REWRITE file.  Try testing with no rewrite 
       file at all.  This should drop locally created emails into their 
       own local mail spools without interferance. 
       If things work without a rewrite file, where they didn't work WITH 
       one... then you have your culprit.

   Let us know what you did to resolve the problem.  That way everyone 
learns from your experience :)  

      --- Jay Nugent  WB8TKL
          o Chair, ARRL Michigan Section "Digital Radio Group" (DRG)
          o Michigan AMPRnet IP Address Coordinator

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| Jay Nugent   jjn at nuge.com    (734)484-5105    (734)544-4326/Fax        |
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