[nos-bbs] JNOS 2.0f for DOS !

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Fri Jan 25 16:51:46 EST 2008


On Fri, 25 Jan 2008, Bill Vodall WA7NWP wrote:

> Thanks Maiko.   That's the perfect excuse to get back to compiling and
> running JNOS in dosbox on the OLPC XO...

   And Michigan's AMPRnet (www.MI-DRG.org) can move forward with its next 
network upgrades, as well.   Thanks Maiko!  We all appreciate the fine 
work you are doing :)

      --- Jay Nugent  WB8TKL
          Chair, ARRL Michigan Section "Digital Radio Group" (DRG)

> On Jan 25, 2008 5:07 PM, Maiko Langelaar (ve4klm) <maiko@> wrote:
> > Subject says it all,
> >
> > Linux and DOS are now once again at the same level - version 2.0f
> >
> >    http://www.langelaar.net/projects/jnos2

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