[nos-bbs] Ubuntu 7.X and JNOS 2.0 - maybe not ...

Bob Tenty bobtenty at sympatico.ca
Fri Feb 22 20:16:23 EST 2008

I run jnos here at 7.10 and it runs fine!
That problem with nntp is at another 7.10 system and with nntp switched off it runs fine too.

Mind you that there is another way in 7.10 to run jnos in a virtual terminal (as it doesn't use 
System V  but Upstart)
and I start my kernel slip interfaces in another way too.
May be he has a problem with that?

It should be better if  that individual specifies the issues he has with jnos under 7.10
so that we may solve them.

Some things have to be done in another way with 7.10



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Maiko Langelaar (ve4klm)" <maiko at pcs.mb.ca>
To: <nos-bbs at lists.tapr.org>
Sent: February 22, 2008 3:52 PM
Subject: [nos-bbs] Ubuntu 7.X and JNOS 2.0 - maybe not ...

Good morning,

I get the impression that Ubuntu 7.X has some issues. I see alot
of posts indicating applications not working properly that should
be working, and that do work on other distributions.

I've had several individuals who's opinion I value fairly well, give
me a not so great assessment of Ubuntu 7.X as a platform to run JNOS
and even FBB on. Here is one such assessment from one individual :

   There are an excessive amount of bugs with this version of (K)Ubuntu.

   Unfortunately, the Ubuntu team doesn't feel that these issues are bugs.

   What you should do is inform those on nos-bbs is that jnos is not
   compatable with Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) and users who upgraded should
   downgrade if they intend on using jnos.

   You should see the problems with FBB and Ubuntu 7.10.

I'm not bashing Ubuntu, but considering the above points, if any of you
are running JNOS 2.0 on the later Ubuntu distributions, then the amount
of support I can give you will be limited, since I have no control over
system libraries crashing left right and center.

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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