[nos-bbs] first draft (rev 1.0) - JNOS 2.0 User Manual !

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Wed Feb 13 19:05:15 EST 2008

OOPS Chris - seeing your response suggests I need to correct mine...

On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 16:28 -0500, Chris wrote:
> On Feb 13, 2008 4:22 PM, Jay Nugent <jjn at nuge.com> wrote:
> Generally they are apache/php/mysql based or postgres.  The revision
> histories and content are kept in the db.
Yes - but not moinmoin, moin is built on the language Python >= 2.3 --
not php as I said earlier today.  You would be correct to point out that
it is good I have not written my first php since I should not expect php
script to be understood by the Python platform.  In my area what I said
is called a "brain fart"...

I have written my first few applications in Python but none relate to
moin. I like the language, but the moin choice (for me) was based on the
size of the user community as well as features available in moin.
While Python robustly supports RDBs, no database is incorporated into
moin.  The entire moin text base is in standard op sys text files to
make moin portable to anywhere Python is supported [BTW: that includes

> Btw, I did notice that the jnoswiki was down, I just found another way
> to find the info I needed without posting here.
Sssorry for the outage -- Glad you have other options.

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k

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