[nos-bbs] jnos reboots

DON MOORE donmoore at rogers.com
Mon Feb 11 16:28:30 EST 2008

HI Folks,
I wonder if there's a fix for this.  Is there a command that needs to be entered to overcome this?

I run jnos/linux and it seems that when someone telnets in and enters the conference bridge from the internet, it's usually not too long afterwards that jnos reboots.  I've included the 3 lines in the log file that occurs.
In every case when jnos reboots this is what happens.  It appears that maybe there's an allocation problem.  Please note the time, only 7 seconds between the first and last event.

10:55:35  - allocating maximum of 24 Axip (axudp + axip) devices
10:55:35  - allocating maximum of 24 dynamic gateways for routes
10:55:42  - JNOS 2.0e (Linux) was started (availmem=3085344768)

73 Don
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