[nos-bbs] Status of the JNOS 2 project ...

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Sun Aug 24 11:18:45 EDT 2008

Yup Jim, I've been doing it for over a year with all DRG mail.

On Sun, 2008-08-24 at 02:30 -0400, James French wrote:
> This email is being posted to see if Skip or anyone else got Evolution
> configured to send emails correectly to distant stattions not on thier
> home jnos box under linux.
Brian has answered your question in detail.
In general, jnos just looks like another ISP as far as Evolution is
Once jnos has the mail in queue, it can deliver email anywhere amprnet
will take it.

There are two details that need attention with jnos:
1) The "delete" functionality does not work when Evolution tells jnos to
delete mail from the queue.  This does not effect the delivery at all.
2) The standard TCP parms provided by MI-DRG are roached thus they need
adjustment to carry the mail over radio links.  This ruins the
effectiveness of delivery.

After you deal with the issues of configuration, the email delivered by
jnos mixes with the email delivered by your ISP and you need to look at
the address to see how it got to you.  Jay has been quite good about
talking up the subject.  To exercise Evolution from the laptop on your
home LAN, just address mail to k8rra at k8rra.ampr.org and it will travel
over ham RF end up in the Evolution mailbox on my laptop (it is NOT my
jnos computer).

As a parting thought, it is my opinion that emcomm services are best
served by the configuration you are experimenting with.  It provides the
individuals with an emergency path for email delivery from the same tool
they use daily.  No new tool while they are "in the trenches" and trying
to cope with whatever emergency situation.  All the training can happen
conveniently during "peace time" on whatever mail reader they love.

> James W8ISS

Best of luck, drop me a note over amprnet pathways when you are done.

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k

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