[nos-bbs] jnos as a daemon

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Thu Sep 27 21:42:29 EDT 2007

I believe I found it Maiko.

On Tue, 2007-09-25 at 15:48 -0500, Maiko Langelaar (ve4klm) wrote:
> Skip,
> > jnos truly operated as a daemon (in the UNIX sense).
> Some people have used the SCREEN utility on the virtual console
> that JNOS runs on (JNOS is started in the /etc/inittab). I can't
> seem to find the email I had on it, will try and find it.
What I found is named "Gnu screen" and this is what I'll try first, it
looks promising but it does not look to be in the FC repository (a non
problem - just a step or two more).  It's a freshmeat project...
> Maiko

THANKS for the lead!

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k

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