[nos-bbs] Generic malloc failure -- why?

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Sat Sep 8 21:12:04 EDT 2007

It does not pay to leave thing alone...

In the past days I have begun to see jnos console messages:
     No space!!
Thus far I can't tie the message to any particular event.
In the past month I have not changed anything jnos related and the
system has been up 24/7.  System software is up-to-date within a week
and I'm not pushing the system hard at all.

In looking thru the source, I find this message to be a generic failure
associated with *malloc*.  The message has not found it's way into
documentation thus far.  I can fix that once I understand it...

Jnos sits on a FC-7 platform showing only 001536 memory use.  Does this
mean that other software is playing dirty?

I will appreciate any insight into this mess.

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k

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