[nos-bbs] Device alias IP addresses

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Wed May 23 15:23:34 EDT 2007

Yes Jay - I did a poor job of describing the feature / you did BETTER.
Yes Maiko - I can *see* that iproute2/iptables might do an equivalent
SO - I'm going back to the books...

On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 13:57 -0400, Jay Nugent wrote:
> Greetings,
> On Wed, 23 May 2007, Maiko Langelaar (ve4klm) wrote:

> >     IP Alias is standard in kernels 2.0.x and 2.2.x, and available as
> >     a compile-time option in 2.4.x (IP Alias has been deprecated in 2.4.x
> >     and replaced by a more powerful firewalling mechanism.)
Jay and I have not discussed version / except he has ubuntu platform so
I presume his kernel is quite recent like mine and thus rev. & compile
options are a non-issue for several reasons.
> > 

> > 2) I don't know what he means by "more powerful _firewalling_ mechanism"
> >     but iproute2 package which replaces whole family of ifconfig/arp/route
> >     commands, gives you a neat and more straight forward way of dealing
> >     with the IP aliasing.
I will better understand this after reading - perhaps a second approach?
> >>SNIP<< and your Linux box is now a workstation on
> the AMPRnet! :)
Since you (Jay) did not include references beyond what I have already
studied, I presume none quickly come to mind.  If you would like SSH
access to run my host thru what you know (in case I really have missed
something trivial?) we could discuss the options...
>       --- Jay
> P.S. Skip, wb8rcr.ampr.org is down right now.  So if you are testing to 
>      see if you can pull his webpage and weather maps via the AMPRnet, ya 
>      might wanna try again when his node is back online.  
It's a good thought you added, but I'm still behind the starting block
on this configuration.  After I get the correct "Source IP" to be
inserted, then you and I can discuss my options for routing thru mi-drg
and by then John will certainly be back on the air...
As a PS: I know your (Jay) opinion of iptables, so my wiki objective
will be to formulate a reasonable example for the Linux platform.  I
quite frankly don't have a test bed for a DOS equivalent so the best I
can do there is to parrot yours?  I hope you will be willing to
proofread my DOS stuff carefully...

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k

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