[nos-bbs] Follow up on Ubuntu 6.06 not being able to compile Jnos20.e

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Sun Sep 24 13:13:33 EDT 2006

Larry, I have a suggestion - start simply...
This is not to steal Maiko's thunder - but...
To my untrained eye it looks like make is not found in PATH and makefile
was run as a raw script.
Except I don't see how "make" got to "makefile"...

On Sun, 2006-09-24 at 11:06 -0500, Larry Shields wrote:

> Well everyone, I recieved a CD with jnos20e.tar.gz on it from a friend...
> I extracted it, switched to the jnos2 dir., I edited 

Stop before here - editing has the potential to add problems into the
Because Maiko's distribution has compiled successfully as-is - to
validate you ability to compile don't edit a thing.
You may not get the configuration you want, but that is a separate
question - wait to edit until after the compiler gives valid results.

>  Maiko (ve4klms) 
> config.h script, uncommenting out ever one that he had defined, just to 
> see if  it would compile here...
> But once again I can not get it to compile here, using Ubuntu 6.06...

how about sharing the exact command syntax you used for everything.
In fact, you might consider creating a check-out script that you can run
- correct - re-run.
The script should do everything after logon to completed compile,
including the rm commands to remove the previously created wrong
Everything includes creating jnos2.src from the distribution copy you
hold, and any "chown", or "chmod" or any other command it takes.

Then when your back is against the wall - send the script and the
re-directed output file(s) for review...

> I will attach the output of the make file, so maybe someone can figure 
> out what might be the problem...
> Thanks for any help on this matter...
> Larry

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k
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