[nos-bbs] forward file import

Andre v Schayk andre at pe1rdw.demon.nl
Wed Oct 18 02:15:38 EDT 2006

Maiko Langelaar (ve4klm) schreef:
> Hi Andre,
>> I plan to play a bit with the amp protocol
> You mean the Amateur Multicasting Protocol (AMP), website :
>   http://www.comportco.com/~w5alt/digital/digitalindex.php?pg=5
> and
>   http://www.spar-hams.org/docs/amp-protocol.html
Yes that's the one
>> and interfacing to jnos.
> How so ?
By transmitting and recieving forward files with a seperate program, be
it altserver/client or something of my own making
>> in fbb it is just a matter of putting a mail.in file in the right dir
>> and it gets handled automatically every minute but I'm puzzled at how to
>> do it in jnos.
> I don't understand. Can you explain exactly what the above does ?
Simply put fbb checks an import directory every minute for the presence
of a mail.in file, if it is found it will import the file (it contains
the messages in sb/sp format) and delete it.
> Maiko
73 de Andre PE1RDW

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