[nos-bbs] Microsoft Virtual Machine Network Driver

Barry Siegfried k2mf at mfnos.net
Tue Nov 7 05:24:19 EST 2006

[wa7nwp at jnos.org wrote]:

> It might not be necessary to run *NOS in a Virtual PC to use the Virtual
> Network Interface.
> Has anybody here checked out the Virtual Machine Network Driver?
> <http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=3DDC8332D6-565F=
> -4A57-BE8C-1D4718D3AF65&displaylang=3Den>

I haven't.  I use SwsVpkt on my production machines and have configured
several different VPCs (without NOS) for testing other things.  Have you
tried the Virtual Machine Network Driver?  Does it offer any advantage
over VPC?

73, de Barry, K2MF >>
          <|>      Barry Siegfried
| Internet | bgs at mfnos.net              |
| HomePage | http://www.mfnos.net/~bgs  |
| Amprnet  | k2mf at nnj.k2mf.ampr.org     |
| PBBS     | k2mf at k2ge.#cnj.nj.usa.noam |

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