[nos-bbs] Forwarding problem

Gene Mayler emayler at ohiohills.com
Sun Mar 26 22:22:42 EST 2006

Hi Skip,

> have you hex dumped your fwd and rewrite files to cull out
> un-printable and cr-lf end-of-line stuff?


This problem only occurs when a message is originates at jnos.  The
problem does not occur with messages that come from the outside world
that use the same forward and rewrite files.  The the non-printable
characters not random.  They are real formatting characters.  When I
look at the message with Midnight Commander's viewer, the text is
formatted in an organized manner with highlighting and color changes. 
It looks like the message file was created on a word processor.  Only
the header lines have the formatting.  The body of the message is clean
ascii text.

73, Gene - K8EE
 Internet: emayler at ohiohills.com
           k8ee at qsl.net
  AmPRNet: k8ee at k8ee.ampr.org

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