[nos-bbs] Missing something - 44 net

wa7nwp at jnos.org wa7nwp at jnos.org
Sun Jul 23 00:41:12 EDT 2006

>  I hope someday to
> find a plausible reason for the waning use of 44...

I could go on for hours -- and that's without strong drink..

In 10 minutes I can set up a new no-ip.com account and get a dynamic
domain name routed to an Internet gateway (*NOS, linux, etc).   In 5
minutes I can add an entry on one of my existing domains.  In an ATU or 2
I could implement the dynamic dns tools from Sourceforge and have a full
automatic implementation (ala no-ip.com) of my own.

Why would I want to add the single points of failure, additional layers of
bureaucracy and added hassles of tunneling and source address filtering
when I can have 99% of everything so simply without fighting the
44/ampr.org battle?

Yes - for places where it's necessary to allow only amateur traffic, it's
still a good thing.  If there's an existing active and supported system it
would be good to join and support it.

Most of us in this area, but not all, (Hi Ken) have decided that any new
on the air operation will be done with non-routable IP's (10.xxx or
192.168.x.x) using NAT.   It's just so much simpler and cleaner.

Bill - WA7NWP

PS.  Getting JNOS back on the air here.  Should be on shortly with 3 RF
ports.  Darn it's one fun program.

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