[nos-bbs] Missing something - 44 net

wa7nwp at jnos.org wa7nwp at jnos.org
Wed Aug 16 22:11:42 EDT 2006

Picking up on part of an older message.

> [wa7nwp at jnos wrote]:
>> In 10 minutes I can set up a new no-ip.com account and get a dynamic
>> domain name routed to an Internet gateway (*NOS, linux, etc).  In 5
>> minutes I can add an entry on one of my existing domains.  In an ATU
> What is an ATU?

Amateur Time Unit...   I think - it's been so long since I've seen one.

>> or 2 I could implement the dynamic dns tools from Sourceforge and have
>> a full automatic implementation (ala no-ip.com) of my own.
> Also, in about one minute, you could have all of your 44-net frames
> rerouted to your new Internet gateway (*NOS, linux, etc.) IP address
> using DGipip and a reliable hosting gateway.

I'd like to give this a try.  What do I do?    Are there instructions
online?  Any scheme for alternate backup hosting gateways with shared
authentication info?

Work is so distracting..  Wishing more and more to get back to some
quality NOS time.  Believe it or not, I think NOS is more relevant today
than it was 5 years ago...

Bill - WA7NWP

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