[nos-bbs] Jnos & windows

Barry Siegfried bgs at mfnos.net
Fri Apr 28 12:35:14 EDT 2006

["George (Skip) VerDuin" <k8rra at ameritech.net> wrote]:

> Kewel Barry.
> Another good example of "more going on than gets much publicity"...
> I've "parroted" what I heard from Maiko relative to the jnos branch
> of xnos only, and certainly he is the definitive source.

That's funny, since if you go directly to his own webpage:


he has the link for SwsvPkt about halfway down the page.

> I expect jnos may be loadable to some Win(?) platform rather directly
> if he continues on his present course (up to him)...

Oh, it's loadable.  Maiko actually introduced the SwsvPkt packet driver
to the rest of us early last fall.  Then I came up with the mods to xNOS
to make it play nice and he asked me for them which I supplied.  The fact
that he is "advertising" the SwsvPkt packet driver on his own webpage
would be indicative that JNOS works ok on the platform.  :)

> My personal interest is only to document how it is done.
> To that end, I'd love to find an example of a successful (j-only)nos
> on win using this special driver and patch(s)?

Basically, just download the Swsvpkt packet driver zipfile and unzip
it into a directory by itself.  If you try and "install it" through
the Control Panel (the way it says to do in the README.TXT file) it
may or may not actually "install".  It's not really necessary to do
that if you're only using NOS.  Basically, after you unzip the files
you really only have to:

1) Copy SWSVPKT.EXE and SWSVPKT.DLL into %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32 and
   SWSVPKT.SYS into %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS.

2) Create a shortcut to %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\CMD.EXE and

   a) On the Misc tab under Properties change the Idle Sensitivity
      setting to MAXIMUM, and,

   b) On the Program tab under Properties use this Cmd Line:
      %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\CMD.EXE /k <mynos>.BAT

   c) Select a Working Directory where it can find its own
      AUTOEXEC.NT and CONFIG.NT files.  Copy them from the
      stock "system" AUTOEXEC.NT and CONFIG.NT files in
      %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32 and edit them accordingly
      (specifically, remove what you don't need to load at
      the end of the AUTOEXEC.NT file).

3) Load the SwsvPkt driver at the end of the AUTOEXEC.NT file or
   at the beginning of the <mynos>.BAT file:

   LH %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\SWSVPKT

   which executes the SWSVPKT.EXE file in %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32.

4) <mynos>.BAT then loads the NOS program the way it would normally.

It's really as simple as that.  By the way, in most Windows machines,
the %SystemRoot% environment variable is C:\WINDOWS, or whatever the
"top-level" Windows directory is.

> Thanks for the details.

You're welcome.

> On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 09:55 -0400, Barry Siegfried wrote:
> > ["George (Skip) VerDuin" <k8rra at ameritech.net> wrote]:
> >
> > > Just an answer,
> > >
> > > Today - no.
> > >
> > > Some day soon - perhaps (it's being worked on without a due date)...
> > >
> > > On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 06:48 -0400, Jean Letourneau (VE2PKT) wrote:
> > >
> > > > Just a question,
> > > >
> > > > Other the Jnos for DOS, is there a way to run Jnos on WinXP or 2K?
> >
> > That isn't entirely true, George.
> >
> > The following is a link to download the SwsvPkt driver for Windows
> > (XP/2000/NT4 only):
> >
> > http://www.softsystem.co.uk/page7.html
> >
> > This is a packet driver which will network xNOS in an NTVDM with the
> > Windows system it runs on.
> >
> > There are two caveats, however:
> >
> > 1) Since the SwsvPkt packet driver simply shares the ethernet adapter
> > that Windows is using (including its hardware MAC address) a few mods
> > need to be made to xNOS in order to make it "play nicely" with the
> > Windows TCP/IP stack.  These mods are necessary in the Ethernet sendraw()
> > and recv() subfunctions (both in PKTDRVR.C) and the ARP recv() subfunction
> > (in ARP.C).  Maiko can give the definitive answer as to whether or not
> > he has made the necessary mods to JNOS for this.
> >
> > 2) So that the SwsvPkt NTVDM doesn't hog the CPU the "Idle Sensitivity"
> > setting of the .PIF shortcut which launches the SwsvPkt NTVDM and runs
> > the batch file that loads the SwsvPkt packet driver needs to be modified.
> > This can be found by right clicking on the .PIF shortcut --> Properties
> > --> Misc tab.  Normally, the "Idle Sensitivity" default setting is at
> > half scale between minimum and maximum.  Change this setting to MAXIMUM
> > (the HIGHEST setting).
> >
> > I am personally using the SwsvPkt driver on Windows XP/NT4 machines in
> > my home and on my desktop at work.  Although I am not using JNOS I am
> > using another variety and it works very well for my purposes.

73, de Barry, K2MF >>
          <|>      Barry Siegfried
| Internet | bgs at mfnos.net              |
| HomePage | http://www.mfnos.net/~bgs  |
| Amprnet  | k2mf at nnj.k2mf.ampr.org     |
| PBBS     | k2mf at k2ge.#cnj.nj.usa.noam |

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