[nos-bbs] internet connectivity>>>

maiko at pcs.mb.ca maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Wed May 11 16:27:59 EDT 2005

Hi Steven,

> After a lot of fiddling i'm not sure i am supposed to be
> attempting to route packets from sl0 to eth0 ?

Correct. That's an automatic and transparent thing that you
should not have to worry about if you have all the proper routing
in place.

> what internet address do i use in jnos ?

Before you go any further, you need to draw a picture of your
home network. For example, I have an internet connection to my
place of residence, it goes direct into a firewall router. All
my computers sit behind that router. The computers behind the
router are 192.168.1.X

Read this (if you have the patience). It will help you to
get internet connectivity from your JNOS. You don't have to
run the NOSaprs at all, but the notes should help you setup
your JNOS for general purpose internet connectivity.



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