[nos-bbs] KLMproxy - Windows TCP/IP without the IP over RF -anoldidea ...

Bill Vodall WA7NWP wa7nwp at jnos.org
Thu Jun 30 18:08:50 EDT 2005

> but why don't we all start to use
> 9600 bps and up? The technology is there and it is not expensive.

Less anybody thinks I'm totally stuck in the mud with my support of 1200 baud,
here's my top secret idea for the very near future Ham data node.

Use a Linksys WRT54G(S) for the base.   Install our own customized linux so
we have total control.

Add to that JNOS.   What better use for a small "all servers in one package" application?

It's possible to add a compact flash external memory to the 54G.

The (some?) WRT54G's have two built in but unconnected serial ports.   Connect
one directly to a TNC-X for 1200 baud packet.  No RS-232 converters needed.

Connect the other serial port to a Ricochet Metricom.   That's 100 kbs in 900 MHz unlicensed
(in the US anyway) with 1 watt FHSS and it's around only $10 on Ebay.

Wifi for local access,  Ricochet for a mile or two.  Legacy packet for 10+ miles, all in one
box that's less then $100 U.S.   

At least that's a start of an idea...

My notes:

  http://nwp.ampr2.net/jnos/RouterLinux   (for CF, serial port and ham links on linksys wrt54g)

Looks to me like JNOS may yet shine again!!!

Bill - WA7NWP

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