[nos-bbs] The *marketing* of JNOS 2.0 - new banner page ...

netmail netmail at scholey.org
Fri Jul 15 15:54:47 EDT 2005

Greetings from the We(s)t Coast..
I have a question re JNOS...(with multi answers) :))

We have a Slackware 8.1 system at our local EOC and we are running JNOS 
1.11f, xfbb, xastir and a telpac (dl5di) node.  I am thinking of 
upgrading to Maiko's new JNOS.  I would like to run the new version in
parallel on the same system for a period of time while I sort out the 
config and do any necessary tuning (remotely).

What caveats should I be aware of before attempting this??

All and any suggestions welcome.

Bill ve7qc

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