[nos-bbs] HF Digital Stuff - ax25/mailfor beacons mess up TNC comms !

maiko at pcs.mb.ca maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Sat Feb 5 00:05:35 EST 2005

Greetings all,

PS: Demetre, this is a better solution than what I original
    proposed (which was to comment out the 'mbox mailfor' and
    'ax25 bc' type commands while trying the HF code). Those
    beacons of course are essential, so it's unreasonable to
    have to ask people to comment them out just so they can
    use their HFDDs (HF digital devices).

Example, IF you attach an interface called 'ptcpro' for your SCS
modem, then please make DARN SURE you include the following two lines
immediately after the attach :

    mbox mport ptcpro off
    ax25 bcport ptcpro off

FAILURE to do this will cause you to pull out even more hair then
you thought you had (ouch). By default the interface has the AX25
and MAILFOR beacons flagged (which I didn't know at the time), so
any time a beacon goes out, it also goes out to the SCS, and mucks
up the communications drivers (things act wierd, etc).

Next release, I'll disable it in the software, and then you won't
have to worry about it. In the meantime, the above 2 standard NOS
commands should do the trick.

Sorry for the oversite, hopefully this makes your playing a bit
more pleasant.

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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