[nos-bbs] JNOS 2.0a - status report and update

maiko at pcs.mb.ca maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Wed Dec 1 09:45:34 EST 2004

Bob wrote :

> The vtun (vtun.sourceforge.net) source package what can be compiled
> for kernel 2.2 has also if_tun.h but I never installed that package
> as I was afraid for compatibility issues with openvpn.

Careful ! I am not using vtun or openvpn here, I am only using the
TUN driver that comes with those packages (or for the more recent
distributions, the tun driver is already installed).

You DONT need to install openvpn or vtun, just the TUN *subdriver*
if I may call it that, and ONLY if your kernel does not have one
installed already. Check using 'locate tun.o' type of thing.

> The tun devices for kernel 2.4  are /dev/net/tunX but still
> /dev/tunX for 2.2 so it wouldn't work anyhow I think.

I'll try and add 2.2. kernel support as soon as possible.


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