[hfsig] Rasp Pi -- QRPi 20m -- how to transmit less frequently?

Orrin Winton orrin.winton at gmail.com
Sat May 7 22:28:41 EDT 2016

Hello Zoltan & the group,

Past 24 hrs have gotten my RPi2B + QRPi 20m + WsprryPi on the air. My qrp
wattmeter says i'm putting out about 80-85 mW. Getting reports on
wsprnet.org. Slinky antenna in the attic (10 ft off ground level) tuned
with a pi-network tuner. This is super fin! And super fun.

I am using the following command line:

sudo wspr --repeat --offset --self-calibration wn1z cn90pj 20 20m

Works fine, but there is a gap between transmissions of only 10-20 seconds.
So  the problem is that i am transmitting too often.

'wspr --help' says something: "Transmission gaps can be created by
specifying a TX frequency of 0"

but what would that look like on my command line? I have '20m' as my

Thanks for replies

wn1z Orrin.
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