[hfsig] Is there anyone out there?

Stéphane Rivière stephane at rochebrune.org
Tue Oct 13 10:17:09 EDT 2009

HI Charles & all,

> As far as ALE is concerned Steve N2CKH handles the day to day Amateur
> version of PC-ALE whereas I work on the 'special projects' version of 
> the program.

Yes, I remember there is some unconventional applications. It's good to 
know you have succeed to get some 'return of investment' around this 

> At the beginning of the year I had my first link protected ALE contact 
> (not on the Amateur bands). My code does not support the time server commands 
> instead it either uses a GPS or NET time for synchronisation. So it can now do 
> AL0,AL1 and AL2.

Very good news, congratulations !

> As well as that I have been working on getting the Email interface to 
> work properly. So far it can only report linkup and link down events and the reception 
> of AMD messages. The interface is via a standard email tool like Outlook 
> Express or Eudora.

I was involved in a similar project (1995-1999 not achieved, change of 
internal priorities in a company I worked) where I insist to use 
standard email client. I'm very pleased to see I am not the only one to 
believe that standard tools are friendly for standard users.

> It is nice to be able to send and receive AMDs using an old PocketPC. I 
> have a dedicated  P.C running ALE with an Icom IC7200. The P.C has a WiFi dongle in it (it 
> is remote to the house). I just send an email to xxx at ale.sta and it establishes the link sends 
> the AMD and then clears if there is no further traffic.


> THE ALE software can act either as a server, i.e it looks like an email 
> server and you can connect directly to it
> via Eudora (etc) or it can act like a client. 

This is exactly the same way I proceed to design the system, with a 
small web server embedded for parameters settings. All of this result in 
a simple service or daemon hidden for the PC end user.

Some fine side effect : 1) The software was instantly portable in any 
platform who supports Ada language (almost does) and have a std email & 
web clients. 2) The "HF server" could stay in text mode, serving a wifi 
or ethernet intranet.

The major difference was around the modem used : it was PTC-III, a 
proprietary solution, good performances, but your work and design is far 
more efficient & clever : you can control everything in a software only 

> So I have been deep into the SMTP/POP3 protocols and the various 
> authentication schemes they use.

At first glance not too difficult , full of trick in real world, 
especially if you use SMPTS and POP3S...

> I will eventually release the 'special version' code to Steve so he can 
> add the legal bits to PC-ALE.

Well... all this is really exciting.

About special versions...

What is the major techs. diffs. between the PC-ALE I knew and the 
special MARS release (reserved to MARS operators) ?

Hope I may, one day, contact you on air, thanks to PC-ALE !

Stephane Riviere
Oleron Island - France

Personal pages    : sr.sriviere.info
Email		  : sr at sriviere.info
Skype contact     : stephane.riviere
X509 certificates : www.sriviere.info

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