[hfsig] Is there anyone out there?

Stéphane Rivière stephane at rochebrune.org
Mon Oct 12 18:27:52 EDT 2009

Nice to hear you all... Hi Charles too... I remember 10 years ago, we 
experiment almost at the same time AMBE vocoders... don't know if you 
remember ( some stuff here : http://sr.sriviere.info/orian/orian.html)

>> The most interesting new thing I've run across lately is this project:
>> http://www.rowetel.com/ucasterisk/codec2.html
>> May be a path to get away from the AMBE vocoder and have something for 
>> open ham use.

Very exciting project, I wasn't aware...

Here, I divorced, get a new wife, life, and home, but still in Oleron 
island. I've founded a new company almost four years ago, which is 
running well (http://www.sriviere.info, no english translations yet, 
with the exception of some almost hidden pages).

Sorry for my english, zero practise since many years, since I left 
military comms business in 2001.

No ham activities, no research around, scope and logic analyser are off. 
I've just planned to setup a HF NVIR station with your ALE software, one 
of theses days.

I've noticed your website has disapeared, so it's good to have some news 

All the best from france !

Stephane Riviere
Oleron Island - France

Personal pages    : sr.sriviere.info
Email		  : sr at sriviere.info
Skype contact     : stephane.riviere
X509 certificates : www.sriviere.info

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