[aprssig] SmartBeaconing source

Erik Finskas erik.finskas at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 16:12:33 EDT 2023

Bob, internet never forgets! Here's what you're looking for;



On Thu, 24 Aug 2023 at 22:54, Bob Burns AK9R <ak9r.lists at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is the SmartBeaconing algorithm documented anywhere on the web?
> For several years after the HamHUD hardware project dissolved, the
> HamHUD.net website was maintained with a web page that documented the
> algorithm as developed by Tony Arnerich KD7TA and Steve Bragg KA9MVA.
> But, the HamHUD.net domain name now appears to be in the hands of a
> domain name broker.
> I know that the Kenwood TM-D710 In Depth manual has a pretty good
> explanation of SmartBeaconing, but I was hoping to find something on the
> web.
> Thank you.
> Bob...
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