[aprssig] Open Source/Commercial Use acceptable APRS Alternative?

Lynn W Deffenbaugh (Mr) KJ4ERJ at arrl.net
Mon Aug 7 01:05:17 EDT 2023


Apparently supported by YAAC: 

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 8/6/2023 11:09 PM, John Gorkos wrote:
> In the deep corners of my brain, I recall there was an alternate 
> protocol written Once Upon A Time that supported location 
> tracking/telemetry/messaging over AX.25, but was NOT APRS and not 
> limited to non-commercial use.  Does anyone have the name and/or links 
> to something like that?  I'm working with a non-profit for event asset 
> tracking, and I don't want to cross any lines.  We're using LoRa for 
> short- to mid-range vehicle/personnel tracking and I'd rather not 
> reinvent wheels.
> Thanks,
> John Gorkos
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