[aprssig] Fwd: Local stay-in voice nets (and APRS)

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sun Mar 29 21:56:39 EDT 2020

With everyone isolated at home, The local Goddard ARC began holding daily
noon-time chat nets to keep everyone socially connected.  SOunds like a
good idea since it is rare to hear anyone at all on any of our several
dozen Wash dc/baltimore repeaters these days.

For APRS users, it might be the first time you have looked at the local map
in a long time.

A special challenge might be to see if you can digipeat via other users
stations to be able to link wiothout the local digi.  Rememeber, every
Kenwood APRS radio on the air defaults to support TEMPn-N digipeating.
Though few such mobile APRS radios are serving sas home stations..

But you should be able to digi via their station call.  See how many hops
you can create...

Bob, Wb4APR
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