[aprssig] failure with some new aprs apps using aprs text

spam8mybrain spam8mybrain at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 18 08:52:06 EDT 2019

Ah, can you identify the offending apps? Report their tocall value? It's hard to do anything without a few specifics.It could just be confused users, too.Andrew, KA2DDOauthor of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client")

-------- Original message --------
From: Brian Webster <info at wirelessmapping.com> 
Date: 6/18/19  08:20  (GMT-05:00) 
To: 'MJ Inabnit' <ke6sls at arrl.net>, aprssig at lists.tapr.org 
Subject: Re: [aprssig] failure with some new aprs apps using aprs text 

Is it possible that the client you are using you are routing the message to"internet only" and that is the reason for the -I ssid? Not sure whichclients you are using to send a message but maybe try where you know you areusing a radio port or message path? I know different client programs havedifferent ways of designating which path or port you send the messagethrough.Thank You,Brian N2KGC-----Original Message-----From: aprssig [mailto:aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org] On Behalf Of MJInabnitSent: Monday, June 17, 2019 2:10 PMTo: aprssig at lists.tapr.orgSubject: [aprssig] failure with some new aprs apps using aprs textHas anyone noticed that some apps are adding a "-i" to the call?Example is k7xxx-i and if you try to send a welcome text it never getsto the user.  Why does the app add the letter instead of a usual number? I just tried to strip off the ssid but that doesn't seem to fly withxastir either.  shrug.73j-- wishing you wellJaye, ke6sls--via the toshiba w/thunderchicken_______________________________________________aprssig mailing listaprssig at lists.tapr.orghttp://lists.tapr.org/mailman/listinfo/aprssig_lists.tapr.org_______________________________________________aprssig mailing listaprssig at lists.tapr.orghttp://lists.tapr.org/mailman/listinfo/aprssig_lists.tapr.org
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