[aprssig] Multiple TNC's connected to one radio

Michael Barnes barnmichael at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 22:55:37 EDT 2017

On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 7:30 PM, Max Harper <kg4pid at yahoo.com> wrote:

> You didn't read my orginal post. It would be alot easier to connect two
> tnc's to one radio than connect two radios to one antenna. I only have one
> antenna at 55ft and another antenna won't recieve the same stations as the
> one at 55ft does. I want to compare the decoding of two tnc's so I need to
> feed them both the same audio. And yes, an audio distribution amp would be
> the thing to have to do it right, but I don't have one.
> Thanks to everyone who replied. I'll build the cable in the next few days
> and see what happens.
> Max KG4PI
Sorry, I didn't interpret your original post as a limitation of only using
one radio. I didn't understand that you were limited to one antenna.  I
thought you were interested in receiving some local signals to evaluate TNC
decoding. It wasn't clear you were attempting to receive distant stations.
Now that you have described the actual situation, yes, an audio
distribution amplifier would probably be your best option to get a good
audio level into multiple TNCs. There are a number of easy circuits
available with resistive dividers to provide proper isolation and impedance
matching to send audio to multiple devices. There are also home
entertainment systems that have the ability to send amplified audio to
multiple devices. These are readily available for very little cost at
places like Goodwill.  Good luck with your project.

Michael WA7SKG
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