[aprssig] APRS Speed Spec?

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Wed Oct 11 09:27:37 EDT 2017

I believe I have read everything that is locatable about APRS specs and 
do not recall ever having seen these special speed values anywhere.

My question is:  Why bother?  When things are going that fast, they're 
probably beaconing at a reasonable rate and the speed/heading can be 
calculated between two adjacent beacons.  At least satellites (and I 
hope the Concord) don't turn that quickly.

Or are we trying to do APRS tracking of fighter jets in a live dogfight?

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 10/11/2017 8:48 AM, Robert Bruninga wrote:
> Authors,
> I thought that I had years ago declared that a speed of 999 would mean 
> Orbital Velocity 17,500 MPH and that 998 would mean something else for 
> high speed jets.  Maybe mach 3?
> Actually  I may have defined three speeds greater than 999 for the 
> last three enetries.
> Clearly we need orbital velocity for the Space station, etc…
> And Mach 3 for our fighter pilots…
> And something for the Concord (or its replacement)…
> What about Elon Musk’s hypter tube?  But I think it is under 999…
> Anyway, is this written down anywhere?
> And if not, then here is what I propose:
> 999 = 17500 MPH space station
> 998 =   1850 MPH military
> 997 =   1350 MPH concord
> 996 =     996 MPH
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