[aprssig] IGate FIlter for AMSATS?

Jess Haas km6gvw at jesshaas.com
Fri Feb 24 15:08:19 EST 2017

I havent used it but Direwolf has a mode to attempt to solve this problem.
If I remember correctly it has a satgate mode that instead of immediately
gating packets holds on to them to give the satelitte a chance to digipeat
and then prioritizes the digipeated packet. If none is heard i believe it
will still igate the original.


On Feb 24, 2017 10:19 AM, "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:

> I should know this…
> Basics:   Igates pass all packets heard to APRS-IS, but all after the
> first are filtered out as DUPES
> Problem:  Satellite operators in simplex range of an IGate will almost
> always show the first packet (uplink) and not the DESIRED successful
> downlink digipeated Satellite copy.
> Question (sorry I forgot the answer last time):  Where do we fix this.
> I want to finally build us an IGATE here at the Academy in Maryland, but I
> don’t want it to then filter out all of our satellite packets that get
> digipeated!  I am totally dependent on FINDU.COM and the APRS-IS to
> capture and log all APRS Satellite Telelmetry and user packets including
> ours and nearby locals.
> Bob
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