[aprssig] Event Time Data Extension Proposal

David Andrzejewski david at davidandrzejewski.com
Sun Feb 12 12:01:05 EST 2017

A thought on this: If this becomes standard, APRS applications could use
this information to "schedule" object availability, if it is computer
parseable. For example, I may not want to constantly transmit an object
for a meeting that only takes place once per month. Instead, it would be
great to schedule this so that it is only transmitted for, say, the 24
hours before the meeting.  This value of course would be a setting
specific to the application itself, and would not be part of the APRS

- Dave/KD8TWG

On 1/27/17 12:17 AM, Kenneth Finnegan wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 7:58 AM, Robert Bruninga <bruninga at usna.edu
> <mailto:bruninga at usna.edu>> wrote:
>     VALUE: a properly formatted repeater FREQUENCY named object shows
>     all of
>     this info in a single packet:
>     [...snip...]
>     * Weekly NET times
>     * Monthly club Meeting dates
> As far as I can tell, the format for net and meeting times is only
> mentioned in passing 3/4 of the way down on the freq spec and local
> info pages without a specific recommendation on format. Running some
> queries on my database of APRS traffic, it looks like the use of NET
> and MTG notes is... remarkably low.
> To give operators more concrete guidance on what to enter, and maybe
> even be computer-parsable, I'd like to propose and solicit feedback on
> an "Event Time Data Extension"
> https://github.com/PhirePhly/aprs_notes/blob/master/EventTimeDataExtension.md
>   Event Time Data Extension Specification
> This document formalizes the radio net and in-person meeting time spec
> which is mentioned in the APRS Freq Spec text file
> (http://www.aprs.org/info/freqspec.txt). This data extension is meant
> to indicate weekly or monthly nets/meetings which would be of interest
> to amateur radio operators. It does not include any information on
> where or what frequency the event happens, so that should be clear
> from the context of the rest of the packet. (i.e. Meeting events could
> be included in a "club shack" object beacon, and net events could be
> in repeater object beacons or accompanied by a freq spec)
> These data extensions may be used similar to all other APRS data
> extensions, so may be included anywhere in location packet comment
> fields, in status packets, in object comment fields, messages, etc.
> The length of this data extension is not limited to 7 bytes and may be
> dynamic based on the specificity of the event time.
> These data extensions are not meant to replace ISO 8601 time/date
> stamps, which should be used for specific non-recurring events such as
> annual hamfests.
> There is no way to express biweekly events in this extension. Other
> methods should be used to advertise events on that schedule.
>     Extension Format
> |[Event Identifier](Week of Month)[Day of Week][Time of Day](Time zone
> abbreviation) |
> Items in square brackets are required; those in parenthesis are optional.
> The event identifier indicates what kind of event is being advertised:
>   * |NET| - Radio net
>   * |MTG| - Club or social in-person meeting
> Week of month is optional to indicate that an event only happens on a
> certain week of a month. Value may be one or more of:
>   * |1st|
>   * |2nd|
>   * |3rd|
>   * |4th|
>   * |5th|
> Day of week is required and indicates the days of the week an event
> happens. Values may be one or more of:
>   * |Mo| (Monday)
>   * |Tu| (Tuesday)
>   * |We| (Wednesday)
>   * |Th| (Thursday)
>   * |Fr| (Friday)
>   * |Sa| (Saturday)
>   * |Su| (Sunday)
> The week of the month is calculated per day, not including partial
> weeks where the day of interest falls in the previous month.
> Time of Day is required and indicates the time of the event in 24h
> local time. It is a four digit number less than |2400|.
> The time zone abbreviation is an optional indication of which time
> zone is used, and should only be used when near the edge of two time
> zones and it's unclear which conventional local time to use. This
> field should be very rarely used.
>     Examples
> |NETTu1745| - A net happens weekly on Tuesday at 5:45PM.
> |MTG2ndWe1900| - A meeting happens on the second Wednesday of the
> month at 7PM.
> |NETMoTuWeThFr0900| - The morning talknet happens every weekday at 9AM.
> |MTG1st3rdSu1000| - Brunch is had on the first and third Sundays of
> the month at 10AM
> --
> Kenneth Finnegan, W6KWF
> http://blog.thelifeofkenneth.com/
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David Andrzejewski
E-mail/iMessage/Jabber: david at davidandrzejewski.com
PGP Key ID: 5EBA8A72

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