[aprssig] APRSdos soucre code?

Scott Miller scott at opentrac.org
Tue Dec 5 16:31:16 EST 2017

Is this it?



On 12/5/2017 12:12 PM, Robert Bruninga wrote:
> For over a decade, I have been saying that I published the original 
> 30,000 lines of APRSdos source code for anyone that wanted it.
> Today, I had a call form a legal place wanting to see a copy. (doesn’t 
> involve me)…  but when I went to APRS.ORG <http://APRS.ORG> I cannot 
> find any links to those dos (.BAS) files.  Amazing…
> I must be having a senior moment.  All of the original APRSdocs text 
> documents are there, but none of the five APRSxx.BAS files.
> Oh, and for the last 3 months preparing for granddaugherr #1, I have 
> thrown away wastebaskets full of old disks.  Assuming the code was on 
> line….
> Anybody remember where I put it?
> Bob
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