[aprssig] Txt messaging

Dennis Dura k2dcd.dura at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 07:43:42 EDT 2017

Adding this into the discussion:

On Aug 31, 2017 00:02, <chiefsfan2 at cox.net> wrote:

> I seen a post the other day asking "has ham radio missed out on the
> texting craze" which got me wondering how we could take more advantage of
> txt in ham radio especially in the aprs world. Txt has been pretty much
> limited to a station with a computer or one of the aprs equipped radio.
> Texting with one of the aprs ready radios is clunky at best with the built
> in keyboard. So I was thinking that if it was possible to interface a smart
> phone via Bluetooth to a radio and a ham txt app was written for such
> messaging on aprs would be as easy as texting over the cellular network
> which a lot of do everyday already. Just a quick search of the internet
> came up with small tnc's such as the tinytrak 4and it looked like it had a
> Bluetooth adapter available? Any radio could be made into a aprs txt radio
> and with the digipeater function in the tinytrak a mesh network could be
> established with other mobile stations at a special event or with igate's
> on the aprs network. Or you could set at home and txt others via your radio
> and smartphone. There maybe other technicalities I'm missing but it sounds
> like a inexpensive way to start. You could also attach this to any band
> radio, 6m, 220 ect for more flexibility. I know there is a aprs app for
> android I think that does this but it maybe more aimed at position
> reporting where my thought are more towards messaging. We have a pretty
> decent igate network where this would work well and maybe it would increase
> the use of texting on our ham network.
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