[aprssig] Antenna separation

Matthew Chambers mchambers at showmeham.info
Thu Apr 27 00:13:10 EDT 2017

I have my 25w Kenwood TK-762 for APRS on the far right trunk mount on my
car,  right next to the AM/FM antenna. My FT-8900 6m is in the middle trunk
mount, I have the FT-8900 2m on the far left trunk mount with my IC-F5021
public safety in between the 6m and 2m. The FT-8900 70cm is on the roof.
So far I've had very little issue with APRS and my other 2 VHF radios.  I
get a few drops outs when the APRS beacons. I think it helped that I used
regular quarter wave antennas tuned for specific band segments,  the APRS
quarter wave has a band center frequency below 144 (closer to 143), the 2m
ham is centered at 146.5, and my public safety is centered at 156.

Matthew Chambers, CBT, NR0Q

On Apr 26, 2017 11:03 PM, "david vanhorn" <kc6ete at gmail.com> wrote:

> So, I'm about ready to push the button on this.
> I'll be limited by the location spots available, but I have one more
> question:
> I'm intending to have the FTM-350 running APRS, and the IC-7000 running
> voice on 2m/440
> I know I should mount those antennas as far apart as possible, but given
> the 50W output of each, what is the minimum separation for the safety of
> the radios?
> It's almost certain to end up with the 7000 V/U on the front mount point,
> FTM-350 on the middle, and the 7000 HF antenna on the back.
> I know the APRS will still punch holes in my reception on the 7000 VHF,
> but I'm hoping to minimize that. My main concern is not having the front
> ends damaged by the RF from the other radio.
> --
> K1FZY (WA4TPW) SK  9/29/37-4/13/15
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