[aprssig] Aprx Version 2.9.0 Released

Kenneth Finnegan kennethfinnegan2007 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 01:27:47 EDT 2016


This is an announcement of the release of Aprx version 2.9.0. 2.9 is the
new stable release branch for Aprx, so all current users of previous
versions of Aprx should upgrade to v2.9. Aprx is a Linux digipeater/I-gate
daemon with a high level of configuration flexibility with regards to
multiple port operation, beacons, and filtering.

Main page: http://thelifeofkenneth.com/aprx/
Source code: http://thelifeofkenneth.com/aprx/release/aprx-2.9.0.tar.gz
Prebuilt binaries for Ubuntu/Raspbian:
User Manual: http://thelifeofkenneth.com/aprx/aprx-manual.pdf

Installing may consist of downloading the correct .deb for your system, and
$ sudo dpkg -i ./aprx_2.9.0*.deb
# Set up the config file as desired; see the manual for details
$ sudo nano /etc/aprx.conf
# Enable the aprx daemon by setting STARTAPRX="yes"
$ sudo nano /etc/default/aprx
# start aprx manually or restart the system
$ sudo service aprx start

The bugfixes since v2.08 include:
* Lots of code cleanup; fewer compiler warnings as well
* Lots of documentation improvements
* Improved logging with fewer typos, escaping unprintable characters, and
more IP addresses
* Fixed some edge cases on counting hops done/requested for trapping
excessive paths
* Respect STARTAPRX setting in /etc/default/aprx
* Aprx can now RF-gate without being a digipeater
* Timestamps on objects are correctly updated.
* Aprx now respects system settings with respect to IPv4/IPv6 preference to
comply with RFC6724

This last change for APRS-IS address selection has been a bit sticky, and
may get reverted if anyone pipes up with it still causing issues on systems
which don't have IPv6 connectivity but the ability to retrieve AAAA

If you have any issues getting Aprx running, make sure to ask on the
aprx-software Google group to get assistance from the Aprx community:

Kenneth Finnegan, W6KWF
Aprx Maintainer
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