[aprssig] US Weather forecast via APRS message

jdubner at gmail.com jdubner at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 19:07:55 EST 2016

Martin Nile via aprssig <aprssig at ...> writes:

 > Version 1.4 of WxBot is available at
 > https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot.
 > At the bottom of the screen you can download the perl script.  It ...

Very cool, Martin.  Thank you, especially for "showing your work" (making the 
Perl script available).

As Javier Henderson, k4jh, mentions: "For us pilot geeks, an option to request 
the TAF via airport code would be nice to have.  Hear, hear!  A few years ago I 
would have killed for such a capability :-)  These days, many of us are using 
ADS-B IN to receive TAFs (and more) but this is very exciting nevertheless.

73 and thanks again,
Joe, K7JD
N227JD when airborne

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