[aprssig] APRStt and SAR... Revised proposal (a)

Bob Harris knineudx at gmail.com
Mon May 18 15:12:49 EDT 2015

Percent of assignment completed
Estimated time to completion of assignment

#5 would not change after the searcher left the staging area so might be 

Since the coordinates are used to record the track actually taken by the 
searcher, the least significant digis are important. The group with 
which I was affiliated for a couple of years used the 5 or 6 digits on 
their periodic reports back to the search coordinator. It is important 
(for legal reasons post search) to be able to have the most accurate 
track possible. LE (law enforcement, in the case of New Hampshire, the 
Fish and Game Department) requires accurate tracks to be archived.

Have you considered addressing SAR groups with your proposals and 
getting their input? It is one thing for a bunch of hams to come up with 
a method; quite another to have something that actually would be useful 
and acceptable to those with the boots on the ground.

On 5/18/2015 12:48 PM, Robert Bruninga via aprssig wrote:
> 0 - off duty
> >1 - Standing by
> >2 - enroute (meaning to assigned start point)
> >3 - returning (RTB after search)
> >4 - searching
> >5 - searching with special (dog team, etc)
> >6 - Resting,eating,etc
> >7 - Clue found
> >8 - Send assist
> >9 - Subject Found


Bob Harris (K9UDX)
Can MOTCH Katmai Henry David Thoreau UDX Bda UD (1992-2005)
Longmeadow Bradford Torrey CD (2001-2014)
Ch Silvercreek Gossip Girl
Bath, NH

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