[aprssig] Dual-Mode 30M HF APRS Operation with APRS Messenger 3.31
Stephen H. Smith
wa8lmf2 at aol.com
Sun Jul 12 13:29:16 EDT 2015
Dual-Mode APRS Messenger Operation
Simultaneous 30-meter dual-mode APRS operation of APRS Messenger digimodes
(PSK63/GMSK/MFSK16) alongside classic AX.25 packet APRS has been vastly
simplified, with the release of the UZ7HO Soundmodem software TNC ver 0.69 on
01 December 2014, and APRS Messenger 3.31 on 10 July 2015.
Both modes can now be operated at the same time, entirely in software on a
single sound system, with no hardware TNC required!
The standard mark and space frequencies for classic AX.25 FSK APRS on 30 meters
are 10.149 200 Mhz and 10.149 400 Mhz. The standard center frequency for
Messenger-mode PSK63/GMSK/MFSK16 APRS is only 300 Hz higher at 10.149 700 Mhz.
All three frequencies can easily pass through the 2-2.5 KHz filter bandpass
of the typical SSB transceiver at the same time.
The UZ7HO "Soundmodem" can use any computer sound card as a
purely-software-based high-performance AX.25 dual-port packet TNC. Either port
can operate at either 1200 baud (for VHF) or 300 baud (for HF).
With the Soundmodem linked to the latest release of the APRS Messenger (Ver
3.31) APRS-over-PSK63 program, Messenger can now provide:
Two-way APRS messaging over either it's native digimodes (PSK16. GMSK or
MFSK16), or over classic AX.25 packet.
Beacon alternately on both modes.
Function as an igate for both modes.
Full details on my website at:
Stephen H. Smith wa8lmf (at) aol.com
Skype: WA8LMF
EchoLink: Node # 14400 [Think bottom of the 2-meter band]
Home Page: http://wa8lmf.net
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