[aprssig] making AGWPE work with an Icom IC-7100

Andrew P. andrewemt at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 18 02:09:20 EST 2015

Greetings, all.

This is going to be a weird question, but has anyone gotten AGWPE to work with an Icom IC-7100 radio? I thought this was the only radio hookup I was getting successful PTT operation with (using fldigi and flrig, according to the setup directions for the 7100), but using the same setup for AGWPE, I can hear packets just fine (better than with the hardware TNC I have connected to another radio), but I can't get the 7100's transmitter to key up (even though AGWPE blinks the task bar lights to indicate it is transmitting).

I'm using COM9 as the serial port (the first serial port on the IC-7100's USB connection), and Sound Card as the TNC type through the 7100's USB audio device. I know I'm hooked up to the right audio device because I am successfully decoding received packets. But it won't key the transmitter.

Any advice welcome.

Andrew Pavlin, KA2DDO
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