[aprssig] APRS-IS Passcode alternative: SSL + Certificates, with no data encryption

Andre aprs at pe1rdw.demon.nl
Sat Mar 29 11:33:57 EDT 2014

op 29-03-14 15:45, Steve Dimse schreef:
> As you mention this is the US viewpoint, and I'd like to hear if there 
> are any other countries where this makes more of a difference.

In Region 1 (europe and africa) trafic from non hams is out of the 
question period but as most countries need additional licencing for 
unattended opperation and/or for running an Igate the responcibilety to 
stop it only starts as soon as they become aware of it. In the past this 
has resulted in the Netherlands at least in repeaters temperary shutting 
down because there was abuse of pirates or ATV repeaters being told to 
shut down the 13 cm input for a few days because it is a shared band 
with police helicopter tv downlink, so it is not limited to internet 
based trafic.

73 Andre PE1RDW

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