[aprssig] Blocking and filters

Patrick Wood winston at winston1.net
Tue Jan 14 23:56:18 EST 2014

This seems odd to me as there is t/m filter ability, being able to add pass
filters for messages doesn't make sense without its reverse..  That in and
of itself made me think that the filtering of specific packet types should
be supported regardless who mycall is.

It is obvious that this design philosophy came about in a ham sandbox.  A
spammer being able to flood and kill a client just by targeting them by
call would make the entire system useless in the wild.

On Jan 14, 2014 6:45 PM, "Pete Loveall AE5PL Lists" <hamlists at ametx.com>

> Server-side filters are -additive- (described before on this SIG as
> "subscriptions").  A filter (either negative or positive) is in -addition-
> to the standard packets that are passed to the client by the port.  Filter
> ports, by definition, pass all message packets addressed to the client, all
> message packets addressed to stations the client has "recently" gated to
> APRS-IS, associated posits (associated with the prior 2 categories of
> messages), and packets seen inserted directly to APRS-IS by stations
> "recently" gated to APRS-IS by the client (helps client not clutter RF with
> gated messages for other IGates).  You cannot "block" any of these packets.
> Hope this helps clarify.
> 73,
> Pete Loveall AE5PL
> pete at ae5pl dot net
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Patrick Wood
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 3:11 PM
> >
> > Looking for clarification for the application of blocks to the aprsis
> feed.  I
> > added a -b/VE3SLM* block to my filter which should block all messages
> from
> > that call sign to my client.  However what I'm seeing is that indirect
> data
> > seems to be blocked so I do not see position packets, however direct
> > messages go through the block and I do receive the messages.
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